This week we were lucky enough to have an e-learning expert chat to us in our virtual conference session. The focus of the session was how she became interested in e-learning and where it has led her. She talked about training the TAA online for students in the Northern Territories and facilitating professional development in the NSW Ace Sector. She also spent some time showing us how to use whiteboard tools in the virtual conference. Thanks Deb - very generous of you to give up your time!
Week 2 Retrospective
As participants become more confident with the technology I am starting see a few more blogs and a lot more sharing of information in the forums which is fantastic to see. Some of our new resources are:
"The Media report on ABC radio national had an episode on blogs - you can listen to it online, downoad it as a podcast ro read a transcript...
This URL below is for a site that reports on blogging and has lists of popular blogs, stuff on trends etc
Also, this is a site for blogging by email - very simple, by the looks!"
"I found this great set of free downloadable e-learning modules at the Australian flexible learning framework"
"I even came across a free teleprompter which rolls your text along the screen - great if you are making a speech, or recoding a podcast (something I'd like to get into). It's at: http://www.freeprompter.com/"
"Here's a link to my blog"
(Lots of great links in here).
One participant has written a piece on how to make your blog more interesting "
"I've found this great free online course on Web 2.0 Tools - Work Literacy."
"One of my favorite Web 2.0 tools at the moment is Glogster. This is an interactive poster mash up tool."
A recommendation to read Seth Godin"
As well people are sharing tips and tricks such as:
"Tags are used to great an index for your blog. It so others can find a post on a particular subject eg. Lets say you wrote a post on marketing and tag it about a year ago and had added some other posts on marketing recently also. The readers of your blog then just have to click on the marketing tag to bring up all the posts on marketing through your blog even the one you did a year ago."
I have to confess to an "aha" moment this week. My understanding of connectivism moved from an academic understanding of the concept, to a 'lived' understanding - an understanding that comes from experiencing what it means to observe and participate in the collective generation of knowledge. I have been saying for a while now that no one will ever know about all the online tools but I now realise that if I stay connected I will at least know what's out there to choose from.
This week participants will be synthesising their ideas and making decisions about their focus in the program.
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